Divesting from CUPD to Invest in BIPOC
Check out DIVEST2INVEST's website for resources regarding divestment and racial justice

Scroll through a roadmap regarding divestment and racial justice, click to enlarge items
Divest2Invest Press Conference
CU BIPOC students and staff hosted a press conference with Colorado House Representative Leslie Herod to demand funds be divested from CUPD and invested in CU BIPOC.
diversifyCUnow’s involvement was in hosting this event through our Facebook page.
We appreciate your support of the BIPOC students and staff who organized and coordinated this event
with Representative Herod and think watching this recording can be helpful to you.
The Missing BIPOC People of CU Boulder
DIVEST2INVEST members Gwendalynn Roebke and Alejandra Abad created temporary art installments that sat outside the Norlin Library of CU Boulder's main campus every week day for a week at the beginning of the fall 2020 semester. The cardboard silhouettes represented the missing representation, retention, and recruitment of BIPOC students.