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Watch Party
This upcoming Tuesday August 4th 3:00-5:00
the Regents are having a live-stream meeting.
We want them to know that
all eyes are on them!
You can join our live discussion on discord where you can comment and question during the meeting
What is a Regent?
'The Board of Regents consists of nine members serving staggered six-year terms, one elected from each of Colorado's seven congressional districts and two from the state at large. The board is charged constitutionally with the general supervision of the university and the exclusive control and direction of all funds of and appropriations to the university unless otherwise provided by law.'
Who are the CU Regents?
CU has nine regents with majority being Republican-affiliated. See CU's official page for more information.
Democrat Regents
Republican Regents

Why is it important to let them know we are watching?
Our Regents are responsible for important policies, funding, regulations, and conversations surrounding all four CU campuses' BIPOC students, faculty, and staff.
We want them to feel the pressure in these weighty decisions and let them know that we care what kind of action they choose to take.
What is happening
with the Regents?
At the most recent Regent board meeting on 6/18, Democratic Regent Jack Kroll presented an antiracism Resolution (link here). A Republican Regent, Sue Sharkey, made a motion that the Resolution is sent to two committees and with the majority vote, the Republican Regents approved Sue’s motion.
The Regents in those committees have scheduled a joint committee meeting that will be live-streamed by zoom on August 4 from 3-5 pm. In this meeting, the Regents will discuss topics related to the Resolution.
Anti-racism Resolution discussion: 0:45:50 to 1:19:00
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